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Abstract: Natural polysaccharides are new popular healthy food material, and the materials are widely used in various functional foods. The influences of polysaccharides from Glycyrrhiza uralensis on the quality and sensory properties of Chinese steamed bread (CSB), as well as the performance

(starch digestion in vitro and starch staling) of CSB, were investigated in this study. The addition of Glycyrrhiza polysaccharide (GP) increased the specific volume of CSB in a dose-dependent manner, and the specific volume of CSB-2 was 2.55 mL/g. GP also contributed to the increase in hardness

(from 1240.17 to 2539.34 g) and chewiness (893.85 to 1959.27 g) of fresh CSB. In addition, GP could maintain the integrity of the protein network within the CSB. The scores for sensory evaluation indicators of CSB-1 were relatively balanced. More importantly, the addition of GP altered starch digestive properties, and the content of the resistant starch (RS) was increased from 8.62 (CSB-0) to 43.46% (CSB-2). GP led to a significant reduction of the expected glycemic index (eGI) of CSB, and the eGI of CSB was decreased from 97.50 (CSB-0) to 73.8 (CSB-2), which was classified as a medium-GI (MGI) food. In addition, X-ray diffraction (XRD) and differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) revealed the addition of GP delayed the staling of CSB during storage. In general, adding the proper amount of GP could improve the quality of CSB and show the potential as a functional component of CSB to reduce the postprandial blood glucose level resulted by the CSB.








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